Life is a journey that requires tenacity, direction, learning and connection. The development of the individual facilitates the development of the team or community. This continuous improvement process is best done proactively and complimentary. As one skill improves, it opens the door to the consideration and development of additional skills. As one individual expands their abilities and awareness, they can lead the evolution of others. The solutions to complex challenges, ongoing innovation and support for the marginalized is fueled by the simultaneous development of individual life skills, follower skills, leader skills and organizational culture. The synergy between these 4 concepts is the focus of the Life Skills & Leadership curriculum.
In his first book in the Life Skills & Leadership series (Life Skills and Leadership - The Foundation) Author Kyle Ochs introduces learners to the critical foundational life skills and leadership concepts that future mastery is based upon. Our curriculum and community also connects these concepts to the overarching Life Skills & Leadership Credo that orients learners and serves at a "north star" in guiding our collective aspirations. The credo is designed to guide and inspire individuals as well as their organizations, teams and communities collectively toward a life of Significance (purpose), Mastery (excellence) and Love (connection). Because when we:
Chase Mastery...Excellence is Acquired
Chase Significance...Success is Bestowed
Chase Love...Happiness is Manifested
Life Skills & Leadership development is ongoing within many seemingly sepearte communities, (philanthropic, corporate, educational, athletic) but the universal nature of the curriculum allows for individual growth that supports team and organizational growth in the following areas:
Leadership Content Life Skill Content
The Essence of Leadership Discipline and Reliability
Strategy Duty and Clarity
Communication Optimism
Talent Management Passion and Vision
Power and Motivation Honesty and Authenticity
Ethics Enthusiasm
Organizational & Team Culture Tolerance
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Sincerity and Kindness
Team Performance Empathy and Compassion
Importance of Quality Perspective and Perceptive
Innovation and Change Open Mindedness and Gratitude
Social Responsibility Courage, Initiative, Contemplation